2020… You Were As Clear As An Ocean Full Of Seaweed

My beautiful daughter graduated high school this year, the year 2020. Let’s talk about these words THIS YEAR. This year is the year of a world wide pandemic. This year is the year where everyone loses their smile behind a mask. This year is the year had I had known was coming, I would have bought stock in Germ X. This year high school seniors lost their spring sports, prom, and graduation ceremonies. This is the year my daughters senior trip was rescheduled THREE TIMES!! So we rescheduled within the United States this time to explore the island of Sanibel and Captiva at the beautiful SunDial Resort and Spa. Which we could rename the Perfect Resort (well… except for lizards and “no see-um” mosquitoes). We literally had to use mosquito spray every 10 minutes and lizards thought we wanted to be friends. Ummmm, No!

This is my daughters first time to the Islands, but not mine. My first time was last Summer in late July. I decided at 11 PM to book an early morning flight for a last ditch effort to save my marriage. YIKES! I said it out loud! My social media “perfectly painted” marriage was failing! Because it was a crazy first impression last summer, I wanted to go again and make fun memories of Sanibel. So this was the perfect time!

We (my daughter and I) flew to Fort Myers and rented a car for the drive to Sanibel Island. Once we checked in to the resort, the fun began! We relaxed, we smiled, we talked, we laughed, we played hard, and we definitely ate… LOTS OF DESSERTS! We both packed athletic wear to hit the gym everyday while there. After day one, I refused to grace the gym doors! The resort provided paddle boards and kayaks. I first tried paddle boarding (which we both decided I should never try again). Paddle boarding on a still lake or river is one thing, but the ocean surf takes it up three levels. I was determined to get a picture standing upright on that board. I managed one. It is actually posted at the bottom of the home page, so please check it out. It was hard work! We both decided it would be best to go out in a two person kayak after the paddle boarding experience. I sat in the back holding my paddle across my legs looking at my perfectly pedicured toes while my daughter was exhausting herself paddling over waves. It was perfect, well at least for me! Because the island is small, most people ride bicycles everywhere. If you are on a bicycle it is best to be back at your resort before the sun goes down. There are no street lights (because of the many sea turtles) so after dark you can’t see your hand in front of your face. We did drive to Bowman Beach and Captiva Island which is at the end of Sanibel Island. We ate at really cool restaurants. The Island Cow had the best chicken fingers and key lime pie. We also ate at The Bubble Room. This restaurant is packed full of vintage toys. Wall to wall, floor to ceiling. They are even vintage toys stored within the tables. The waiters dress like boy scouts. That was a little strange but Hey! When they bring out the dessert tray you will not care how they dress. They have the most amazing specialty cakes. One night we walked the beach and looked at sea shells and sea glass. I’ve never seen anything like that at any beach I had ever visited. I watched as my daughter would search for the “perfect” sea shell. Her face would light up when she found one. If it were broken or imperfect in any way she would throw it back in the surf. I started picking up the ones she would throw back. It was crazy to see what she thought was imperfect. The broken ones were perfect to me. I then noticed more and more broken shells. Then I noticed one that stood out ( you can take a look below this blog). It was a broken shell but the part that was broken was in the shape of a heart. I found several of these and held onto them with my life. As crazy and messed up as the year 2020 was, it was a perfect sign! I still know I am perfectly made even if it means I am perfectly broken. No one knows what 2021 holds but what I do know is 2020…..You were as clear as an ocean full of seaweed!


SMILE! Everyone is looking…2021, Let’s Get Real!